Attendance and Absence Procedures


A good education gives children the best possible start in life. All children at Landewednack School have equal opportunities and equal access to the education offered here.  To take full advantage of this, it is of paramount importance that children attend school regularly and punctually. Research, and our school data, show a link between high attendance and high achievement. Attendance is important for more than just attainment; regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing.

Click below to a guide to the Cornwall Education Welfare Service for Parents

A guide to Education Welfare Services for parents.

Excellent punctuality is central to learning and vital for children to be able to achieve their potential.  Lateness has a negative impact.  Being late may disrupt lessons, lead to missed instructions or opportunities, affect achievement and embarrass or upset your child.   Coming to school on time helps your child to prepare for, and to settle in to, their day and their learning and to get into good habits for the future.


  •        Our front gates are open by 8:30am.  Children and parents are allowed on site from 8:30am
  •        Children can enter school from 8:30 when staff open the doors and Puffins gate.
  •       School begins promptly at 8:40 when registration takes place.



  •        If your child arrives after this time, they must report to the school office, so that we can mark them as present, but late on the register.  Unfortunately, as the school dinner registers are also taken at this time, a child arriving late is unable to take advantage of the choice on offer and has either a vegetarian or non-vegetarian meal allocated.
  •        Arriving in school after the register closes at 9.00am counts as an unauthorised absence and will show on your child’s attendance record. This can only be amended if the parent/carer informs school of the reason of any late arrival.
  •        All gates and doors will be locked at 8:50am to safeguard children.
  •        Any child arriving after 8:50am will need to buzz through the main gate and sign in at the office stating the reason for lateness.


  •        School lunchtime is between 12:00 and 1:00.
  •        The school day ends at 3:15.
  • Nursery:  Children are welcomed to the nursery at 8:30 when the door will be opened.  The nursery session starts at 8:40am.  Children are collected from the nursery gate at 11:30am, 12:30pm or 3:15pm (depending on sessions).

Although we recognise the nursery is non-statutory we encourage good time keeping to ensure children have a consistent routine and are developing positive habits.

Medical Appointments

If your child has to attend a doctor’s/ hospital appointment, the school needs to be notified in advance and any appointment cards/letters will need to be shown to evidence this where possible.



If your child is unwell the school should be contacted as soon as possible on the first day of any absence, either by telephone on 01326 290337 or email landewednack@tpacademytrust.orgIf your child is absent for more than one day, school would appreciate regular updates.

If you fail to contact school, a telephone call and/or text will be made home. These calls are logged as part of our attendance monitoring procedures.


We understand that there are sometimes circumstances in which your child cannot attend or may be late and in these situations, we ask that you contact us to discuss the matter. 

We are here to help.

Remember- Every day counts

and being on time means not missing out!


Important Changes to the Law Regarding Penalty Notices For Unauthorised Absence From School (from 19th August, 2024)


From 19th August, 2024, the Government made important changes to the Law regarding penalty notices for unauthorised absence form school. The letter, containing answers to some Frequently Asked Questions, is at the foot of this page. The main changes to the Law are:

  1. There will be a new national threshold of 10 unauthorised sessions for any reason (equivalent to 5 school days) within a rolling 10 school week period for when a penalty notice must be considered.
  2. The new rules mean you will no longer be able to take your child out of school for one week’s holiday without the consideration of a penalty notice being issued.
  3. There will be an increase in the penalty fine from £60 to £80 if paid in 21 days. If the fine is not paid by the first 21 days, it will rise to £160 if paid within 28 days of being issued.
  4. If a second penalty fine is issued to the same parent for the same child within a 3-year rolling period, the fine will automatically rise to £160 with no option to pay the lower rate of £80.
  5. If a parent then commits a third offence in a 3-year rolling period, the local authority will need to consider other enforcement options available to them. This could include prosecution.

If parents need to request for a child to have leave granted during term time, a Leave of Absence Request form must be completed. This form is available from the school office or, alternatively, follow the link below.

Please note that an authorised absence still counts as an absence on your child’s attendance record.


Addressing Attendance Concerns/Monitoring

At Landewednack, we rely upon parents to ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually. Therefore, any concerns about attendance are initially raised with parents/carers.

We monitor all attendance with the aim to discuss reasons for low attendance and to offer support to parents where needed.

Where a child’s attendance record does not improve over a period of time then the school has a responsibility to involve our Educational Welfare Officer and Trust Inclusion Lead, Rita Rowson.

Rita and the head or assistant head will hold attendance clinics to monitor and aid parents of children whose attendance is cause for concern.


Please click on the link below to view the Leave of Absence Request Form and accompanying letter for Landewednack School. There are both Word and PDF versions.

Email your completed and signed form to  Alternatively download and return a signed paper copy in a sealed envelope marked Leave of Absence Request to the school office. 

Please ensure that at least 14 days’ notice is given of the proposed absence.

A reminder that The Department for Education no longer allows Headteachers to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.