PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education;

Through our PSHE curriculum, our intent is for our children to become healthy, happy, and confident young people who leave our school as responsible, independent members of society.


The teaching and opportunities at Landewednack will enable pupils to:


  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society
  • Develop the ability to make responsible, informed decisions
  • Learn about some of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up
  • Be supported in preparation for life and have a safe space to explore more complex issues
  • Experience education that actively promotes their moral, cultural, mental and physical development
  • Achieve their full potential through staff who support their wellbeing and tackle issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships
  • Develop skills and aptitudes, such as teamwork, communication and resilience
  • Be better prepared to navigate, participate and stay safe in this world
  • Develop character and personal attributes that we believe are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive
  • Know how and when to ask for help and to know where to access support.
  • Learn about boundaries, including understanding boundaries in friendships with peers and also in families and with others, in a range of contexts including online.
  • Learn about the importance of participation in their own communities through PSHE education
Please see our PSHE policy for more information:

PSHE is delivered under three core themes


         Health and Wellbeing

-          Relationships

-          Living in the Wider World

PSHE lessons are woven through our ‘Learning Means the World’ curriculum as enrichment activities, we also use the PSHE Association for guidance, updates, CPD and relevant materials.  Our main PSHE lessons are taught through the ‘One Decision’ programme.  British values, protected characteristics, the rights of a child and our school ‘SHINE’ values are considered in every aspect of our curriculum. Our PSHE curriculum is mapped out as a two year rolling programme-however, depending on current needs of the children, the order may change and/or be supplemented with additional material (eg anti-bullying sessions).


For PSHE, our classes are split- children are taught in groups of: Foundation, Y1&2, Y3&4 and Y5&6.  Our RSE sessions are planned to meet the needs of the current cohort and content is shared with parents via a parent workshop prior to the units being taught.



Our children are growing up in a world very different to the world in which we grew up. RSE helps to prepare children and young people for changes like puberty and the transition into secondary school and adult life. In schools, it can serve to provide a secure environment where pupils can feel comfortable asking questions they might not want to ask elsewhere. Through RSE, children can learn to better understand their needs, respect the needs of others, and improve their overall confidence.


At Landewednack, opening the conversation on RSE topics starts by teaching children about relationships, friendships, family and the different kinds of people who can support them. This starts in early education when children begin to learn about taking turns, treating others with kindness and respect, the importance of being honest and truthful, as well as the importance of personal privacy.


Please see our policy for more information:

All teachers who deliver our PSHE and RSE education lessons have statutory safeguarding training around the safeguarding of children and are all aware of the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures.


We recognise that some children, who may be vulnerable due to past or present abuse or changes in family situations will need adaptations to the lessons and may need additional support.  Helping children make sense of their experiences and to help them to develop skills and resilience to keep them safe in the future is a protective factor.


We keep up with our continued professional development (CPD) through annual safeguarding training and bespoke training from providers including the NSPCC, Barnardo's and the PSHE Association

To ensure all of our children with Special Educational Needs can access PSHE, our teachers use adaptive teaching approaches which allow all children to learn the necessary knowledge and develop a range of skills. This can take many different forms such as pre-teaching concepts, providing additional support, accessibility tools or implementing 'scaffolds'.   Each child is unique and is supported according to their own individual needs. 

We consult with parents and carers annually and take on board feedback when reviewing our policy.  Welcome any questions at any time.

Thank you for completing our questionnaire; your responses  will be considered and will be taken into account when reviewing our curriculum, policy and practice.   We will cover questions at the meeting and for any specific queries, we will get back to you individually.
Please complete our questionnaire below