Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent

At Landewednack, we have designed an ambitious curriculum for our children which is based on the application of the National Curriculum within our unique context. This is underpinned by our vision and values.  

Our vision is to enable every individual to achieve academically; to become lifelong learners; and to become engaged citizens of their local community and the world, whilst making happy memories of their time at Landewednack.

Our 'Learning Means The World' curriculum is based around the “4 Cs”, the world issues which drive our curriculum design:

Communication: Pupils will be able to communicate in ways that build and maintain positive relationships through focused listening, confident speaking, sharing ideas and explaining clearly. They will know how communication has developed through time and the chronology of technology, now our main means of communicating. They will also learn how to communicate in an assertive way, avoiding conflict through tolerance and mutual respect.

Conflict: Pupils will be able to define conflict and explain the key reasons as to why conflict exists. They will also be able to give specific examples of conflict, both past and present on a local, national and global scale. On a personal level, they will learn how to handle disagreements constructively, and resolve their differences peaceably. 

Culture: Pupils will be able to define and identify the characteristic features of culture and understand why cultural diversity is important. They will be able to talk about the features of a range of different cultures, explaining some of their similarities and differences. They will develop an appreciation of and a strong connection with our local culture and cultures from around the world. They will also learn how culture affects perception and influences behaviour. 

Conservation: Pupils will be able to define conservation, outline key areas, e.g., biodiversity, and understand why it is such an important world issue. They will learn how we can live more sustainably, understanding the importance of natural resources and renewable energy. On a personal level, they will learn how they can make a difference by reducing their carbon footprint and behaving in a more environmentally responsible way.

Our Curriculum Drivers:

Our curriculum driver ‘Social Responsibility’ emphasises the importance of understanding world events and our local context.  Therefore, we have designed our curriculum to be adaptable to the ever changing world.  

Whilst we celebrate our local context, we recognise the need to enrich our children’s experience with ‘Diversity’ that they may not otherwise experience.

‘Eloquence’ drives all we do; research shows that children who have a wide vocabulary and an ability to communicate well have the best life chances.  

Our driver- ‘Independence’ is created from the need to build our children’s resilience, equip them with the opportunities and ‘tools’ to learn and succeed, and links with our driver ‘Aspiration’; as well as ensuring our children are happy, well supported and confident, we want to foster high academic aspirations and attitudes to learning as well as developing the skills they will need for success in higher education and in future careers. 

We face a unique challenge in that, due to being a small school with mixed year group classes, our year group structure may change each year (for example, a Reception / Year 1 class becoming a Reception / Year 1 / Year 2 Class). This means that it is not effective for us to plan year-group based repeating programmes, as this would risk children missing out on or repeating content due to unavoidable changes in class structures. 

Therefore, in order to ensure that all children receive coverage of the curriculum and have the chance to develop their skills and build upon knowledge, we have organised the National Curriculum into curriculum maps for each subject. 

These curriculum maps can be found on each subject page on our website. 

These carefully thought out long-term curriculum maps enable us to deliver a sequenced, bespoke, relevant and exciting curriculum that teachers carefully design into a shorter term plan each term. This allows us to adapt our planning to the shorter term needs and interests of our children, whilst embedding our school drivers and ensuring coverage and progression of skills, concepts and knowledge in the long term. 

Teachers produce a topic web each term for each class, which shows our shorter term plans based on the curriculum maps.  http://www.landewednack.cornwall.sch.uk/website/learning/241149 

This allows us to communicate our learning journey with parents and the community, and enables teachers to carefully sequence and monitor our coverage of the curriculum, building on their prior learning. 

Our challenging and exciting curriculum is reviewed every year in collaboration with children, parents, staff and the wider school community; this ensures that it always reflects current research and practice, it is reflective of the local and wider context, it is suited to the needs of each cohort of children, therefore is always relevant to the unique context of Landewednack School. 

Our SHINE Values are embedded throughout our school-  everything we do is guided by these principles:

Strive to be the best you can be

Happiness- enjoy learning and achieving 

Imagine what I/ we can achieve

Never give up- resilience in learning and in life

Everyone together- child, school, family, community 

National Curriculum Subjects:

Our curriculum is planned so objectives and concepts are repeated and developed in a variety of meaningful and exciting ways to facilitate deep learning.  Linking our subjects to previous learning means that skills and knowledge will be embedded in our children’s long-term memory. 

Our School ‘Drivers’:

We believe these curriculum drivers are essential to enable the children at Landewednack School to experience a broad, rich and relevant curriculum and to develop their knowledge, skills and personal characteristics to prepare them for a future where they are the best they can be!

Our Core Curriculum drivers are:

  • Aspiration
  • Independence
  • Diversity 
  • Eloquence
  • Social Responsibility



Reading is at the heart of our school:

We build reading into all areas of our curriculum, from our ’10 minute subject reads’ to our class novel, to our ‘reading for pleasure’ time.

We believe that instilling a lifelong love of reading is crucial for our children’s academic achievement, mental health and their future economic success. 

 Possibilities and Opportunities:

Our ‘Landewednack Dozen’

Pupils cannot aspire to things they have never encountered and cannot learn vital life skills without experience.  The Landewednack school family have chosen twelve opportunities that the children will experience during their time at our school.  We believe that in order for our children to fulfil their potential they must be given a broad range of exciting opportunities to enable them to flourish, equipping them with the knowledge and cultural capital they need for future success:


We pledge that during their time at Landewednack School, our children will complete the ‘Landewednack Dozen’:

  • Go surfing, sailing & swim in the sea
  • Visit a theatre
  • Build a den
  • Cook on a bonfire
  • Actively support the community
  • Perform to an audience
  • Be a positive role model
  • Support a national or global cause or charity
  • Take part in a residential trip
  • Visit a city
  • Carry out a job or responsibility
  • Run an enterprise


Click on the link below to see our forum presentation on our curriculum design:


Curriculum Implementation

Due to our mixed aged classes and varying numbers in each year groups our class structure is evaluated yearly, therefore our long term curriculum planning is reviewed yearly.  We take into account the needs and characteristics of the cohort, the children’s experiences and prior learning as well as current local and global contexts.

When planning, our teachers start with the skills and knowledge to be taught; around those, they plan a whole school or class topic which lasts for roughly a term.  Our SHINE values and School Drivers- Aspiration, Independence and Diversity run throughout.

We aim to launch our topic with a ‘hook’ which could take the form of an event, a visit, a visitor etc. Our teachers and TAs are creative and we get very excited when planning new topics for our children to experience. Although the progression of skills and coverage is meticulously planned and monitored, the beauty of our curriculum is that it is not a ‘scheme of work’ or a rolling programme so is always current, relevant and never boring!

We link subjects where we can so they sit well together in our topics (for example, Ancient Egypt (History) and rivers (Geography) but teachers ensure subject knowledge and skills are taught explicitly.

Over the course of each unit of work and within each subject we ensure the same components are present:

  • Elicitation
  • Revision of prior knowledge
  • Planning for teaching and ‘what do we want to find out?’
  • Use of meta-cognitive strategies for long-term ‘stickability’ eg knowledge organisers, ‘spider graphs’
  • Key Vocabulary
  • Topic/ subject reads
  • Connect and apply knowledge and skills
  • Assessment (‘catch up’ interventions planned where needed)

We also allow for changes based on our assessment for learning as well as the contribution and ideas from our children who are very much involved in the development of our topics.

We share termly topic plans and welcome ideas, contributions, resources, and visitors to make learning at Landewednack meaningful, exciting and memorable!