SEND Little Lizards Statement

SEND Little Lizards

When a child attends Little Lizards and is settled we do a 6 week check to form a baseline level of where the child is within the Foundation stage. The three basic categories are Physical, Personal & Social and Communication & Language (encompassing speaking, listening, attention and understanding).

This gives us a clear picture of how each child is progressing in their development and if there are any areas we can work on to help support them going forwards.

Parents are talked to constantly and will be fully involved in any interventions so that what is used in nursery can be continued at home for maximum benefit to the child.

We use the Early Intervention Toolkit to help us to identify any areas of need and implement strategies we can use to help them in their learning.

If we identify an area of concern needing professional advice we discuss our thoughts with parents and we may make a referral for support from an outside agency, such as a S&L Therapist, through the Early Help Hub.

All interactions are recorded in an individual file which carries on with them into their primary school setting. 

This has proved to be an invaluable resource for us as a school and June, SENCo of LL and Louise, SENCo in school, meet regularly to discuss any areas that are highlighted. This helps both school and Nursery to tap into the knowledge and strengths of the other setting.

Transition between Nursery and School is smooth and any child needing support will already have this in place. 

Little Lizards are included in the School’s Record of Need and On Alert files as well as their own personal records. We are very fortunate to work together in this area.